Friday, March 30, 2012

World Vision, answer to Poverty?

World Vision is an international organization that focuses on the children of the world. World Vision focuses on the children's potential and to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision now helps about a hundred countries around the world regardless of race, religion and gender. Motivated by the faith in Jesus Christ, World Vision serves alongside the poor and the oppressed.

Anybody can be a donor and send a child to school. Last year I've encountered World Vision in school. A classmate of mine got World Vision to speak in our class. Setting aside P20 every day, will send a child to school. So I paid a certain amount that was good for a year. Having done this, Althea, the child that I sponsored, now has access to water, food, shelter, education and many more. Sponsoring a child makes my heart feel great in a way that I already know that I have helped someone in the world. Child sponsorship can be continued until college. After applying as a donor in World Vision, they give you updates on how the child you sponsored is doing. World Vision also sends updates thru e-mail and snail mail. We're not only helping a child but also their family and community. What are you waiting for? Together, let us stop Poverty!

Should we carry a weapon everyday?

Have you heard about the recent kidnap for ransom, armed robbery, massacres, and those innocent people killed just for MONEY? Is it possible to happen to us? Do these bad guys choose their victims? Do we need to be ready?

A social contract is a relationship between the government and its people. Social contracts allow the citizens to live in peace and order. How can we live peacefully if there are heinous crimes every day in the news? Are we in the state of anarchy in discreet?

I grew up in the city of smiles, Bacolod City. In the past my family has experienced a tragic kidnapping incident where it led to the death of my father's brother. It's really sad to say it happened blocks away from Taft Ave. A month after he was abducted, the kidnappers killed him.

Since I was a child guns were already introduced to me and my brother. We grew up with them and learned to use them. We tried shooting competitions, from there we started to love guns more. I am a pro-gun, citizen of the Philippines, I know how to use one and when to use one. The big question is should we carry them everyday?

Bad guys target the weak usually the women. Awareness of the surroundings is very important, orange is the best statge. Here are some examples of everyday items that we can use to defend ourselves from these criminals!

"If you look like prey, you will be eaten" Clint Smith

Using a Comb
Using a pen
Using a Key
More here
Y-Peer an online guru for teens!

Y-Peer is an online youth educator website. Y-Peer is a network of about 500 non-profit organizations. Y-Peer is pioneered by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). Y-Peer's goal is to guide and educate young adults about the different curiosities while they grow up. In Y-Peer there is an online course offered to those who are willing to guide and educate their friends, not only online but also in real life. Have a look at their website, it seems really interesting!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

11th Hour (2007)

The 11th hour is a documentary film, written by Leonardio DiCaprio, Leila Conners and Nadia Conners.
The film talked about the issues that are harmful to our planet, Earth; Global warming, over population, and Fossil Fuel Dependency. The most alarming issue was fossil-fuel dependency of the human race. The human race cannot live with out the help of fossil fuels since we became dependent on it. However what most are un aware of, these fossil fuels are almost depleted. When these fossil fuels are gone, what happens next? How will Land, Sea, and Air transportation function without these fossil fuels?

As a student I want to be prepared for that time when gas prices are really high and no one wants to use their cars. I got my self a bicycle! I want to somehow get used to bike commuting. In Japan, a first world country, most of them still use bikes. Why can't we?

I live 7 kilometers away from my school. It takes 25 minutes to get there with or without traffic, on a bicycle. It also takes 25 minutes to get there with a car with no traffic, but it takes over an hour from my school to my house with traffic. If I ride a bike to school why can't you? If the Japanese, Europeans, Americans, Chinese and Koreans can do it why can't we?

After watching the film the 11th Hour, it changed a part of me. Before the film I was already aware of global warming and green house gases etc. I just want to quote Wes Jackson as he said:
"It's not just global warming. It's not just fossil-fuel dependency. It's not just soil erosion. It's not just chemical contamination of our land and water. It's not just the population problem. And It's not jus all of those. - The deterioration of the environment of our planet is an outward mirror of an inner condition. - Like inside, like outside. And that's a part of Great Work."

One Heart, One Mind, Together, All Around the World!

Bob Sinclar is my favorite DJ/Producer/Artist. His songs talk about Love, Hope, Freedom and Peace!
His famous songs; Love Generation, Give a Lil Love, and Sounds of Freedom struck me when I was young. His songs talked about how the people of the world love one another! "Give love in order to receive love!" - Bob Sinclar (Give a lil Love).

Why him? I really like his style and genre of music. I've been listening to house music since I was born, probably got it from my parents. Bob Sinclar is an artist who wants us to love one another despite of color and race. This is what we need today! The link below are his albums, try to listen to his songs!

Soundz of Freedom

Western Dream

Bob Sinclar - Give a Lil'l Love

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Earth Hour 2012

Earth hour 2012 will be on March 31, 2012, 8:30pm. We participate to anticipate the changes that we make! Join the Revolution! Let us Stop Global Warming!
Here's  a link to the official video of the EarthHour 2012. What a great soundtrack by Chicane - Popiholla.